IESF Group recruiting international

Covid 19 and recruiting

What all changed

Amid Covid 19 there is still recruiting going on. However, a lot has changed almost overnight, from the recruiting itself, the interview and the onboarding. Social distancing has fundamentally changed the whole process.
Some sectors are badly damaged, such as Leisure and tourism industry and all the catering areas. Others, on the other hand, are booming, such as logistics or the retail industry, online trade, health industry, etc.
As a result of social distancing, candidates are searched differently than before. Instead of looking nationally or internationally, the companies tend to search locally and internally to avoid people having to travel. Only when nobody is found the search is regionally expanded. At most, people from their own locations are then called in as interview partners for the candidates. Many companies have also completely stopped national and international searches for the time being.
The interview process has also adapted. The interviews are primarily carried out with Skype or Zoom. There are hardly any personal interviews, or only at a higher hierarchical level. Covid 19 has cemented a trend that has existed for a long time.
Onboarding is being completely redefined by replacing personal support with online meetings. These can be carried out jointly with several employees. This concerns e.g. also the lunch break, during which a pizza is ordered directly to the employee's place of residence. The employees quickly get used to the new processes of remote work and can enjoy their advantages. Employees and companies have to work together on the disadvantages, especially with regard to higher demands on trust or affiliation on the part of the employee.